
Not Judgement, but Compassion

Our work is a work of compassion. We don’t judge people for their past but try to help them to move on to a better future. This man has an ankle bracelet monitor because of his criminal past, and authorities are still monitoring him. Our team knocked at this couple’s door. In the following conversation,

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Gratitude Feeding Families allows families in America to bring hope to the poor in rural Brazil and guarantee nutritional stability. Our bi-monthly food package donations of 50-60 lbs have provided improved the lives of so many. We witness the joy on children’s faces as we arrive at their homes when bringing much-needed food with us. And we see families gradually become more

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Their Need is our Call to Action

The Need Even the most shocking poverty should not paralyze us but call us into action. Living in hardship and going to bed hungry still is a reality for millions of people. When visiting with people in countries like Brazil or Pakistan to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we are always baffled to see

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Reaching the Regions Beyond

Though the global pandemic created several challenges, Jesus never told us to share the Gospel only if it is comfortable or convenient. Love must drive our efforts to reach the lost and neglected of our world in remote, poor and distant regions.   In 2021, our network of native evangelists held 56 village crusades and 42

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Thank you!

2021 was a year of suffering for many people around the world. However, thanks to you, our ministry donated 100,000 Lbs. of food this year to families enduring severe hardship. The testimonies are many and moving. In one of the homes we visited, a desperate woman was ready to kill her children and commit suicide

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Feeding Families

We just reached the amazing mark of 200,000 pounds of food donations this year! Despite the severe restrictions, we continue to share the Gospel with the poor and vulnerable in our generation. Thousands made a decision to follow Christ, families were restored, suicides avoided.  We would like to thank you for your generosity during this

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